Top Song Demos at Our Studio in Nashville
We Produce Songs and Get Them Ready to Pitch to Artists and Record Labels
Nowadays, the production quality of a song matters just as much as the core melody and lyrics. A song with an outdated or low quality demo has a much lower chance of getting to market than one that is modern and professional.
We prepare songs at our demo studio in Nashville for pitching through the following steps.

1. Understand Quality and Price
Cheap, low-quality demos don’t give your song much of a chance at getting cut on albums, which is why we strive for high-quality demos.
While we aren’t the cheapest demo studio (We charge $1,250 per demo), our talented studio musicians give you excellent results.
Your demos with be produced and approved by CCMA’s 2006 “Record Producer of they Year” award winner, Gil Grand.

2. Studio Preparation
Recording sessions require a great deal of preparation in order to save valuable time and money spent during the recording session.
We will help you with charting, arrangements, booking players, ect… all inclusive when booking your session with us.

3. Live Studio Recording Session
This is the fun part! We will ensure you songs have the very best studio musicians available at all times.
Nashville has all of the necessary instrumentation and elite demo singers at your disposal ensuring your songs get the treatment they deserve.

4. Engineering and Mixing
A final mix is a step you do not want to cut corners on, which is why we include mixing in the demo cost. Without a good mix, you cannot hear all the musical elements properly which can leave a great demo sounding bland.
With Nashville Songplugger, you demos will sound “radio ready”.

5. Final Deliverables
Last, we give you the .wav, .mp3, and CD versions of the song. We also store backups in case you ever lose your copies in the future.
Ready To Demo Your Songs?
If you’re ready to get started or have questions to help you make a decision, please contact us and we’d be happy to chat with you.